Forest resources

Poland belongs to the group of countries with the largest forest cover in Europe.


Podstawowym zadaniem hodowli lasu jest zachowanie i wzbogacanie lasów istniejących (odnawianie) oraz tworzenie nowych (zalesianie), z respektowaniem warunków przyrodniczych i procesów naturalnych. Hodowla lasu obejmuje zbiór i przechowywanie nasion drzew, zakładanie oraz pielęgnację i ochronę upraw leśnych oraz drzewostanów, produkcję sadzonek na szkółkach.

Forest protection

The knowledge of the processes occurring in natural environment as well as regular control of the forest standing allow foresters to make an early diagnosis of any threats that might have a negative impact on a forest condition. Every year they perform activities to ensure forest continuity and to increase its natural resistance to stress factors.

Forest use

Forest use means to utilize its resources, i.e. timber, ground cover products, Christmas trees, whole plants or their parts suitable for the needs of pharmaceutical industry; it is also extracting minerals and many others. The foresters make forests accessible to the public, however in a way which ensures their sustainability.

Forest management

Forest management in State Forests is based on the Forest Management Plans created for the Forest District once per 10 years.


6 hunting districts controlled by the Forest District Przytok belong to III Hunting Division.